Nina Markova – Sestra, Night Witch, Nazi Hunter
While there may be room left for discussion of which combat roles they are better suited for, women as a gender do not have to prove anythin

Writer's Rhapsody
I think most of my fellow writers out there will appreciate the anecdote I’m about to share. As writers, our Normal Ship left port without

A Brief History of the Vikings (a review)
Although A Brief History of the Vikings: The Last Pagans or the First Modern Europeans is nonfiction, it could easily be a wellspring of ins

The Walking Dead: Search and Destroy (a review)
No apologies. I love zombie stories. And nobody writes 'em better than Jay Bonansinga. If F. Scott Fitzgerald is to writing what...

The Girl with All The Gifts (a review)
A review of M.R. Carey's "The Girl with All The Gifts"