Wow! What a week!

So much going on as I prepare to launch the e-version of Black Hearts|White Bones. First off, I am thrilled to announce that a wonderful voice over talent in the UK, Becky Lingwood, has agreed to produce the audio version. There are SO many voices and accents is this novel that it demanded a very gifted and versatile artist to cover them. Although I had some very talented VO artists audition, Becky's incredible range made her selection a no-brainer. I can't wait to hear her breathe life into my wonderful anti-heroins Anne Bonny and Mary Read and the bounty of other diverse characters in my novel.
And then I stumbled upon a FaceBook posting by Mr. Tom Lassiter that features a video on the Carolina brogue spoken by folks in Down East North Carolina. The Cockney-like accent is a featured element of the story and something that is almost impossible to convey to anyone who's never heard it. I will be adding this video to my website soon as it will not only help readers understand the people I have written about, it is also a cherished documentary of childhood memories that have influenced my writing.
Up next, the cover reveal. Hang on as things are developing quickly and are about to take off like a Nantucket sleigh ride.